Breast is the only organ that is biologically intended to help someone other than its owner. It is designed to feed the child, the spouse. Like other organs of the body, breast also has consciousness which are nourishment, nurturing, acceptance, sensuality and sexuality. Metaphysically, breast disorders are indication of a woman’s feeling of insecurity about her ability to provide for others. This happens when she tends to ask too much of herself and then feels that she cannot deliver to everyone’s satisfaction. The disorder with right breast represents issues of over protection, over bearing, difficulty in giving love where as the disorder with left breast represents issues of being unloved, refusal to nourish oneself and putting everyone else first. When there is absence of an external solution, the body creates the biological conflict and internalizes its solution.
One of the most common disease is Breast cancer, it has become so common these days that most women will know or have known someone who has had this disease and died from it. Breast cancer is basically considered as “one’s nest in danger”. The concept of nest here is the warmth and comfort of home, and the safety of the hearth, the spouse, the child, the child’s friends. A woman who in the repercussion of a break-up, is in anguish about making her nest can have a breast cancer if she has inherited this programming from her ancestors. When a woman is not able to find a solution to her nest conflict, one of her breasts takes the initiative and creates the solution for her. Remember, all disease is basically a defense mechanism of our body.
In the case of a breast cancer, there is a disruption in understanding of love at the thought level. It is possible that the woman may be giving her love in the hopes of gaining recognition to boost her damaged self-esteem. Due to the negative thoughts about love the women will begin to generate emotions that will make her feel the way she thinks. Further because of law of attraction, she will keep on attracting experiences into her life that will cause shame, authoritarianism, volatile situations, domination of will, physical abuse, dangerous environment, fear of punishment, enmeshment, age inappropriate responsibilities, using money for love, lack of nurturing as a mother. If the woman has experienced a lot of heart break, she usually stores the fear of “getting hurt” in this center and this too will result in breast cancer. Since any emotion of fear creates cancer. To treat breast cancer successfully requires the woman to become whole again on all levels of her mind, body and soul. And as I always say, by healing your biological conflict, you heal your disease.