Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the person’s (body, mind, spirit, and emotions) quest for optimal health and wellness. It is the safest and purest form of medicine that helps people survive the most close-packed disorders and not just come out of it with minimal difficulty but continue with their lives in the utmost peace and happiness.
A person trained in the use of psychological methods for helping others is called a Therapist. Psychology deals basically with the psyche of a person and is deployed on the ground that a person’s unconscious thoughts dominate most of his conscious thoughts and actions. They argue that the unconscious mind is a storehouse of past feelings and desires that couldn’t be fulfilled and affect most of our present lives in the form of depression, anxiety, panic attacks and various sleep disorders.
Therapy and Holistic Healing are much similar in the sense that both of them consider suppressed thoughts in the mind to be the root cause of most of the human problems and diseases. However, Holistic healing encapsulates the body, mind, soul, and emotions, in tandem, whereas therapy just focuses on curing the mind.
Most ailments are much more successfully treated if they are healed from the core. And this solution is provided by the medium of holistic healing.
When I say that any therapist can become a holistic healer, I primarily focus on the fact that both of them work to remove the unconscious, deep-rooted problems that are causing the person to suffer. Understanding the spheres of human psyche, emotions and focusing on a person’s well-being, is all it takes to become a healer from a therapist.
For classroom courses and online courses in different forms of holistic healing, join YATHIS LEARN.
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