Spirituality is a concept that has become very widespread across all nations equally. There are many who are not aware of how science is connected to spirituality. A famous formula from Albert Einstein, a German-born theoretical physicist, was e=MC2. ‘E’ here represents Energy, M represents Mass. If C remains constant then energy is equal to the mass. A human body has weight so it can be safely said that it has mass (matter).
A human body is in the solid state always and if we are to break it down, it is made up of solid and liquid both. Any matter that has solids will have molecules, and molecules are made up of subatomic particles called atoms. Atoms, when divided, are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. These particles are believed to be in constant motion due to the energy they are made up of!
There were further experiments conducted on these subatomic particles and it was found that these particles though seemed random initially came to a designated place when the researchers applied thought. So it was concluded that the particles can be controlled. And if the particles can be controlled then so can our thoughts, body and its constituents!
Any thought or emotion that can be controlled, can be used to focus all our energy on the work that we do. Energies that were going to waste without our knowledge can be utilized to improve our efficiency. The knowledge about the energies and their control is called spirituality. Hence to understand Spirituality, one needs to first understand science!
To understand our body, mind, and soul and be able to heal them is what spirituality is all about.
Spirituality is not just about meditation or ‘yoga’ as it is widely believed. It is more about understanding how to heal body, mind, and soul. Because ultimately living a full life is what everyone wishes to have!
#Hello Yathis #Hello Life
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