The atmosphere of Earth has been sensing many new energies since the beginning of the Age of Aquarius from November 11, 2011 (11/11/11). There is a major shift of old and new energies happening across our planet. The old energies are wanting to merge into the universe to give space to new energies or to transform into a different energy. This shifting of energies is affecting humans in a big way. Some people are seeing a lot of mental shift in their life, some experiencing new challenges and/or new opportunities. However, there are some people who are facing difficulty with this shift i.e. they are able to sense energy being around them which is not letting them sleep. I have come across with increasing number of such cases called Sleep Paralysis these days especially among adults in the age group of 20 to 30 years. In Sleep Paralysis people have experienced waking up from their sleep in the middle of the night and found that they cannot move. They are awake and fully conscious of what is happening around them but they feel stuck in one position and are completely immobilised as if somebody is holding them tight. Many have sensed a seen or an unseen presence on them. The person going through such a state is under extreme fear.
Sleep Paralysis is an old phenomenon and has been experienced by many people since ages. However, there is a rise in the number of cases since last few years. About 40% of the young adults experience Sleep Paralysis at least once in their lives. It was believed earlier that it usually occurs when a person is about to fall asleep or as they are about to wake up out of sleep, however, this is not the case. Sleep Paralysis occurs when the person is sleeping. And in most cases the timing of the Sleep Paralysis remains the same, e.g. if the person has experienced sleep paralysis at 3AM then he will experience this again at 3AM only. It can last from few minutes to few hours at a time.
Many people report feeling an undeniably strange or scary presence in the room. It is just super frightening to begin with, so it often triggers a panicked response with increased heart rate. Some people freak out because they can’t move, and it’s this extreme anxiety which causes people to be very fearful of their surroundings.
For medical science there is no definitive cause for Sleep Paralysis. Stress, depression and, more recently, an inherited gene have all been linked to sleep paralysis. However, there is no clear cause of sleep paralysis, which is obviously super frustrating for anyone going through this. Scientists do know that Sleep Paralysis can either occur on its own as an isolated incident, or it can be a symptom of other sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy. And there’s no explanation for why it might happen every other day or just every once in a while. To me as a holistic healer, Sleep Paralysis has to do with past life issues or spirit related issues. A negative give-and-take account with a past life character or ancestor could well play out as an attack of Sleep Paralysis.
Let us understand what this past life character or ghost or spirit do during Sleep Paralysis. Any energy being which does not have a body is actually consist of the Absolute Air Principle. And we humans or animals made of Absolute Earth and Water principles. As per Cosmic law, Absolute Air is much powerful than the Earth and Water. Using this law, they presses the body of the person down. Due to this person cannot move. The person under this attack is fully conscious and can hear people around but cannot call out for help. On the other hand, people around this person think they are asleep. There is no sign of any struggle on the person’s face or body as it is completely immobilised.
Why do past life character bother a person: It could be related to some unfinished business with the person in some past life. Sometimes it could be a promise or a revenge with strong intention that could not get fulfilled in the past life. Sometimes it is the spirit of a person wanting to satisfy his desires by using people with weak Aura.
Curing Sleep Paralysis: The first important thing to know is that Sleep Paralysis happens when a person is lying on his back or stomach. This is mainly because the Aura of that person is open from all sides. For prevention, it is important to sleep on your left hand side if you ever experience Sleep Paralysis.
Further, you can use the below meditative technique to avoid having any sleep paralysis in future –
- Sit comfortably on a reclining sofa or chair in a quiet room.
- Close your eyes and take 3 or 7 deep breaths to calm down every cell of your body.
- Now in your mind call your Spirit guide, or whichever God you worship, to be with you in this meditative journey.
- Now relax for few seconds and imagine yourself sitting on the sofa.
- Now let your focus travel to that room where you experienced Sleep Paralysis.
- Watch closely your bed and surroundings.
- Imagine yourself sleeping on the bed.
- Now see what energy is coming to your sleeping body.
- Once you sense the energy, you can ask it show itself. It is possible that it will not show itself in once, but as per universal law, every energy has to show itself after the 3rd request is made.
- Have a conversation with this energy body, know how are you connected with him, explain him that he is dead and you are alive.
- Take all your energies from him and give him his energy that you have been carrying all through these years – this is called energy exchange.
- Finally request the Universe to shower white light on him so that he can merge into the higher consciousness.
- Once this is done and he disappears, bring back your focus to the sofa you are sitting. After few seconds slowly open your eyes, take 3 deep breaths, have some water.
In case you still get Sleep Paralysis, please contact some Spiritual healer. He will guide you through this meditative journey. Remember there is no medicine for curing Sleep Paralysis as the exact cause is not known to the medical science. The best way to get healed is through spiritual healing technique. While Sleep Paralysis is a frightening thing to happen with anybody, still we should not lose hope because there is no major suffering or death registered so far. But of-course it is a hell of a nightmare to be experienced by any human being.