Getting control of panic attacks can be really hard. People experiencing panic attacks know the reality of what it actually entails. How at any point in time, anywhere they feel like everything is collapsing in front of them. Their body starts sweating bullets, their eyes get numb and they are not able to hear anything. Every vein in the body starts asking for help every time a panic attack occurs.
It can happen anywhere; in the middle of a meeting, at an amusement park or at the night when you just wake up to have a glass of water. Getting enough sleep is very important to decrease the likelihood of getting a panic attack and it becomes very difficult for someone to cope with an attack if they do not get adequate sleep.
People usually suffer from panic attacks because they don’t fight their fears and allow it to take hold of themselves. The frightful situation of panic attack leaves a great deal of mark on the sufferer and gets hold of them really deep. A panic attack usually starts with someone trying to catch their breath. Then it may advance to other conditions such as trembling, dizziness, sweating, and thoughts of panic.
Panic attacks are awful, but if you put the work in for a few months, you can banish them for good. Practicing breathing exercises regularly can help you remain calm during a panic attack. All your senses lose some sort of control during a panic attack, sleeping enough can help you overcome that phase.
Handle them, beat them and keep fighting them!
When you feel that you are about to have a serious panic attack, stop whatever you are doing, sit somewhere, and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe slowly and deliberately. As you inhale, count to five, allowing your stomach to rise, then count to five as you exhale. Inhale using your nose and exhale through your mouth. Count the number of breaths until you reach ten, as you should start to feel better then.
The minute you know a panic attack is coming, distract yourself – even if it’s something as simple as counting and recounting your fingers to yourself or reading license plate numbers. For example, you could sing one of your favorite songs, play a game on your cell phone or study your shoelaces. Do whatever it takes to distract you from the panic. The point is that your mind cannot focus on these other things and whip up a full-blown panic attack at the same time, so you can divert the attack, as long as you keep your mind distracted with something else.
If you have reached a stage where you no longer can control or bear the panic attacks, and if you think it’s time for you to get help from someone, we are here for you! Yathis follows the holistic approach and helps people heal themselves. We provide a helping hand in need and see people coming back to the happy life. Our healing process is based on the idea that all problems can be healed without medicines and long therapies and surgeries. Throwing away the root cause of the diseases and helping people reach completeness, is our goal. We are here for you! We fight with you!
#HelloYathis! #HelloLife!
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