With a rat race to achieve everything in life all at once, our daily lives are filled with more than enough reasons to stress about. There’s work, personal projects, family, various responsibilities, commitments, unexpected issues, errands, special events, and the list goes on forever, making you end up with a pretty unhealthy amount of stress.
With all this on your plate, what are you supposed to do? All you need is to take steps to combat this wave of stress if you want to lead a happy and healthy life.
It’s not stress that kills us, but our reaction to it.
Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to reduce stress in your daily life. Stress has got a lot to do with what we put in and do with our physical body as much as it does with any external factor. From meditation to medication, there are a lot of stress-reduction coping mechanisms out there. Here we are listing five natural health tips for fighting out stress:
- Focusing on your food intake
In order to balance out the triggered stress hormones, the body increases adrenal production. When we enter the state of stress, our body starts consuming nutrients at a much higher rate than usual. This may lead to a deficiency that can result in all kinds of problems — from exhaustion to illness —ending up increasing our stress indirectly.
In order to combat this, maintaining a healthy, nutrient-rich diet with antioxidants will help. Green tea is considered great as it’s high in antioxidants & consist of L-theanine, a stress-reducer in itself. - Weeding out toxins
Ever wondered why people who are more stressed, suffer from liver & kidney problems? This is because when your body experiences high levels of stress, it inhibits organs such as the kidneys and liver from functioning correctly.
However, the good news is, you can get proactive and start removing these toxins from your regular cycle of consumption. One of the best ways to do it is to eat as much organic food as possible. - Getting the right amount of sleep
Just as what you consume is critical for maintaining a healthy & stress-free body and mind, what you do with your body each day also matters a lot. And one of the most important parts of it is sleep.
An unnatural or inconsistent sleep schedule can wreak all kinds of havoc on your body, and lead to not only increased stress but other symptoms that result in even more stress in the long-run.
The quality of the sleep you get is as much important as the quantity. So, make sure you follow these basic tips for maintaining good sleep hygiene:
- Turn off the blue light at least one hour (if not two) before bed. This includes electronics such as smartphones, computers, and T.V.
- Stick to a set bedtime to optimally condition the internal systems of the body
- Being active
Working out might seem a bit stressful at first but once you plan to do it, decide where you’re going to work out, get a gym membership, set a time for your workouts (and stick to it), and then get up to work out, DAILY.
Physical exercise has been shown to be one of the most powerful stress reducers of all. The cool part about this is you don’t have to do anything time-intensive or difficult, even a quick ten-minute workout or jog outside in the sun can do wonders for the body.
5. Meditation
Meditation is that natural medicine which comes for free but benefits you in n number of ways. Sit at an idle corner for 10 minutes & meditate daily. This will help boost your immune system, improve your level of self-acceptance, help in your relationships and let you focus on whatever you do.
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